What do we think about when
we think about the periphery?
On the other hand, in its conceptual communal meaning – a periphery is a state where external perspective and reflection are finally possible. Peripheries are potentially a perfect place for an art residency – an experimental laboratory for innovations – which would disbalance the center.
MitOst seems to love the periphery and strives for grassroots initiatives, organizations and rural areas. The answer as to why, might rely on the fact that MitOst strongly represents peripheral experiences and highlights non-mainstream practices.
Art exists in the communication between centers and peripheries. It rejects the center, and confirms the periphery. Using art and words can help us as a community, to describe these topographies and divisions. We as well can jointly find out the opportunities of the periphery.
Peripheries: Local Consultations in depth
Aligned with the thematic focus, MitMission takes place in Lindow (Mark), a small town in Brandenburg, Germany. MitMission sounds like “mitmischen” in German, i.e., “get involved”. It is exactly what our local partner Plattform Paradies e.V., invites you to do in the local cases consultations. Using examples from practical work on-site, you will dive deeper into the Lindow context and have the opportunity to test prototypes or support the colleagues from Plattform Paradies and other local initiatives with your experience.
the topic of peripheries in the past?
While we are excited and look forward to the experience and knowledge you will bring in the Local Consultations, we invite you to take a look into the past and learn more about our long-standing involvement in working in peripheries.
Rural Inititiatives Workshop
As part of the Dialogue for Change, eight programs were implemented in Ukraine’s peripheral and central areas between 2016 and 2017. One of them is the Rural Initiatives Workshop. It aimed to support rural communities’ development through working with young people of school age. In addition, the program offered support in decision-making, developing ideas and taking responsibility for positive changes in their local environment. With the help of non-formal education methods, the program created favourable conditions to support the innovations of the rural youth in the form of social initiatives in the villages for the development of civic engagement

Donetsk region,
Mikhailovka village
The studio "Ritm"
Alexandra Skvortsova
Alexandra formed a dance studio using school as a resource. She engaged junior schoolchildren and prepared dance performances that were showcased at school events. The studio has been working on a permanent basis since 2016.

Cherkassy region
The second life of a stop
Vladislav Gurzhiy
Vladislav designed a cozy and aesthetic place from an old abandoned bus stop in the village of Irdyn. Together with friends and fellow villagers, they rebuilt the roof, painted the walls, covered them with traditional ornaments.
Tandem Regions for the Sustainability
of European Peripheries
With a network of cultural mediators in action, Tandem Regions connects place-makers and change-makers across Europe through innovative prototypes, which involve experimenting with new collaborative approaches and arrangements. From the end of 2021 to 2023, efforts have been involved in implementing 4 Local Prototypes (Portugal, Bulgaria, Italy, and Greece), forming cross-border constellations with other realities (Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands), and influencing policy.

Uncovering hidden gems: The power of mapping cultural communities off the radar in Portugal’s Aveiro region.
The project was designed and implemented by 4iS in Portugal’s Aveiro region. This process aimed to identify hidden cultural gems and create a networking format involving community-based organizations and cultural agents operating in the peripheral areas that are often outside the radar of local authorities or have limited access to resources. The prototype has engaged with over 25 off-the-radar organizations from 11 municipalities. The primary goal was establishing equal communication channels between these organizations, local authorities, and international entities to enhance regional networking and ensure sustainable operational capacity and autonomy.
Learn more about the project here:

(Re)centering peripheries
From Polluted to Reborn, The Villette Job brought a community touch to revive a post-industrial factory – and shift into a responsible, creative economy hub. The Villette Job prototype was designed and implemented by R84 Multifactory, Italy. The Villette Job prototype included a year-long communication campaign that showcased the non-profit organisation’s complexities and ambitions and transformed the community’s perception of the area from a polluted wasteland to a thriving creative hub for independent regeneration and creative economy projects. The Multifactory is all about reflecting on suburbs and regenerating post-industrial sites. They believed the periphery could be just as important as the centre. Their unique horizontal governance model ensures that every member and user of R84 Multifactory has a say in decision-making and plays a role in daily maintenance habits and future development. It makes a genuinely community-driven organization that lowers the barriers to entry for creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking a stimulating environment to work in.